How do I get there?
First United Methodist is located at 200 N. 15th Street, just off of Rogers Avenue at North B & 15th streets.
Where do I park?
There is Guest Parking available on both the West and East sides of the campus.
Where do I go when I get in the building?
The main entrance for the Roebuck Chapel is located on North 15th Street. There are two main entrances for the Sanctuary. One is located on North 15th Street and the other is on the North 16th side marked as “Access”. This is also our handicap entrance. A greeter will be there to guide you wherever you need to go, as well as answer any questions you have about the church. Click here for a campus map.
The Connexion Service is located in the Family Life Center.
The Connexion Service is located in the Family Life Center.
I’m coming for worship; what do I do with my children?
At First United Methodist we celebrate family worship, which means children of every age are welcome to participate with you for the service. However, we do have nursery care available for infants – 2 years old. The nursery wing is on the North side of the building, right inside the Narthex Entrance doors. It is a secure environment with a check-in system to maintain safety for your child at all times. We offer a pager system so that you can stay connected with the nursery during Sunday School and worship. The nursery is available for all three of our worship services and our Sunday School hour.
Children ages 3-K are located in the Children’s Education Building. They are using the Deep Blue Kids Curriculum and are learning through Bible stories, art activities and games. Parents of children ages 3-K also have the choice of picking up their children up for church or children may stay in their classroom during the worship hour.
Children in grades 1st-6th are located on the 2nd floor of the main building during the Sunday School hour. After Sunday School, parents will need to pick up 1st – 6th grade children for the 11:00 am services.
Because we care about the safety of our children, FUMC is a Safe Sanctuary Congregation. This means that all paid and volunteer caregivers for children and youth have been screened and their backgrounds checked by McMat Background Screenings.
Children ages 3-K are located in the Children’s Education Building. They are using the Deep Blue Kids Curriculum and are learning through Bible stories, art activities and games. Parents of children ages 3-K also have the choice of picking up their children up for church or children may stay in their classroom during the worship hour.
Children in grades 1st-6th are located on the 2nd floor of the main building during the Sunday School hour. After Sunday School, parents will need to pick up 1st – 6th grade children for the 11:00 am services.
Because we care about the safety of our children, FUMC is a Safe Sanctuary Congregation. This means that all paid and volunteer caregivers for children and youth have been screened and their backgrounds checked by McMat Background Screenings.
What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable so please feel free to come as you are. You will see everything from professional to casual, from coats and ties to shorts!
What are the differences in the worship services?
Our 8:30am Traditional Service is in the Roebuck Chapel, a beautiful space that is warm and intimate. The service has hymns, creeds, responsive readings, prayers, offering, and a Biblically-based sermon based on the theme for the day.
Our 11:00am Traditional Service is in the Sanctuary. The service has many of the same elements of the 8:30am service, but also features our Chancel Choir and other musical offerings such as handbells, children’s choir, etc.
Our 11:00am Contemporary Service is in the Family Life Center. The service has contemporary Christian praise music, a time of prayer, offering, and a Biblically-based sermon based on the theme for the day.
Our 11:00am Traditional Service is in the Sanctuary. The service has many of the same elements of the 8:30am service, but also features our Chancel Choir and other musical offerings such as handbells, children’s choir, etc.
Our 11:00am Contemporary Service is in the Family Life Center. The service has contemporary Christian praise music, a time of prayer, offering, and a Biblically-based sermon based on the theme for the day.
Am I expected to give when the offering basket comes by?
Our offering is a way for our members and regular attenders to contribute to the life of the church and give back to God a portion of all that God has blessed them with. If you feel led, you are more than welcome to participate, but it is not an expectation. We have many who give monthly or online, so you certainly will not be the only one passing the baskets along!
Will I have to stand and be recognized as a visitor?
No! We are so glad you are here, and we want to make you feel comfortable during your visit, so we promise we won’t do anything to embarrass you or place undue attention on you. We do have a time of greeting during all three services where everyone is invited to greet those around them, but that is for everyone, member and guest alike, and we hope it’s a chance to connect with someone and feel welcomed by those you are worshipping alongside.
Will you show up at my house unannounced if I fill out the Guest Information card?
No! We promise to honor your privacy. However, we would love a chance to follow up with you by phone or email just to let you know how glad we are that you were here and answer any questions you might have about the church. We also have a free gift for you at the entrances, so we hope you will take advantage of that.
What do I do when I’m ready to join?
If you are thinking about joining, please contact one of the pastors and they will be happy to walk you through the process.